January 31, 2015

The Consistent Finalist

Some countries doesn’t have any crown yet in one of the Big Four pageant.

Other countries has a hard time making it at the Top 10 at least on a yearly basis.

And there are those countries who made it once as Finalist then failed to make it the following year.

But there are those who find the winning recipe to constantly make it as Finalist earning them a place each year in a Beauty pageant. To be able to place in a beauty pageant for at least three consecutive years is already an achievement.

Venezuela’s 13 years of being aconsistent finalist at Miss Universe is a tremendous achievement. For 10 years in a row also, it is a Finalist at Miss Earth. It is supposed to duplicate its Miss Universe record at Miss World, however in 1989 it didn’t place at Miss World thereby going back to zero but just like a Phoenix who always rises from the ashes, it was able to make a rebound. Though Venezuela has the most number of winners at Miss International, it doesn’t have a three consecutive year finalist at Miss International. Thus there are three “missing accomplishment” for Venezuela for it to be the “undisputed Beauty capital of the world” – (1) ConsecutiveVictory at Miss International and Miss Earth (2) Hall of Fame award where its rank will be number one in all the Big Four pageants (3) a three year consecutive finalist at Miss International. Its cousin, Colombia, is set to enter the consistent finalist countries once it placed again at Miss International in 2015 but the 2015 Miss International is also a turning point for India for once India won that crown, it will enter the Grand Slam Finalist list.

USA does have a record of consistent finalist though it is a bit antiquated. It wasn’t able to replicate its golden years at Miss International and Miss World in the 80’s where it consistently made it as Finalist for at least three consecutive years. Likewise, at Miss Earth, it doesn’t have a solid consecutive finalist record yet. Andrea Neu already started it in 2014. USA has to win at Miss Earth 2015 then sustain that momentum till 2016 or even a consecutive victory to make a record.

Philippines does have a record of consistent finalist at the other three pageants except Miss World. It almost made it in 2005 however Carlene Aguilar ended at Top 15 only. 

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