May 19, 2017

Miss Big Four 2016

Team USA is the only country to place in all Big 4 pageants in 2016

Miss Universe

Miss Universe 2016 kicks off in the Philippines without any hassle on 30 January 2017. The candidates started arriving in Manila on 13 January although Miss U.S Virgin Island arrived four days earlier followed by Miss Brazil and Miss Sierra Leone. Miss Colombia was the last delegate to arrive.

The owners of Miss Universe Organization, IMG/WME almost pulled out from the Philippines as host after Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte gave remarks comparing his war against drug to Hitler. The owners of IMG / WME are Jews thus there is sensitivity when it comes to Holocaust. Although, I should say that their level of interpretation is primitive because hitting deliberately the Jews would not even be on Duterte’s agenda because his wife is a Jew.

Miss France, Iris Mittenaere won the title at the end of the pageant. Iris was the second delegate from France to win the title since 1953 when Christiane Martel won the same title.

It is apparent that there has been a modification in this year’s presentation which is somehow tantamount to the selection of the winner.

Some of the observed changes were;

(1)  Only 13 semi–finalists were picked instead of the usual 15 where the 13th girl was a product of online voting.

(2)  The semi–finalist was presented in group of three during the swimsuit and evening gown competition.

(3)  From 13 semi–finalists, it was cut into 9 to 6 and finally to just 3 finalist.

It was also thought that the interview portion now comprise 60% of the total scores thus there are a lot of girls who unexpectedly made it as semi–finalists. Given this development, it is very apparent that there has been “re–alignment” when it comes to the branding of Miss Universe.

On my point of view, Miss Universe is now solidifying its “Confidently Beautiful” brand by capitalizing on the achievements or perceived future value of the candidate and amplifies those achievements through her title. I believe that they no longer want a candidate who will usually end up as a “model” or an “actress” thus there is less focus on physical attributes and if the winner was indeed beautiful then it is just an added bonus. It is also by this branding calibration that Miss Venezuela failed to make it on this year’s pageant. Andrea Tovar of Colombia was just lucky enough that Philippines’ Maxine Medina was poor in communication thus she was able to make it on the Top 3 and she need to cherish that moment since it may not happen again because of this “re–branding” of Miss Universe.

I will have to give Miss Universe a four and a half star for its presentation this year. The only thing I don’t agree with the pageant is presenting the semi–finalist in group of three since it tends to limit the space of the candidate to maneuver their move. If the Miss Universe Organization will continue the same type of presentation, they should have at least allowed the “group of three” to strut on that 180 degrees circle if it is the comparison that they are after for.

Miss Earth

The organizers of Miss Earth were able to rebound this year from their mediocre presentation last year. The production significantly improved although a lot of fans were disappointed with its online streaming of the pageant. The “food issue” last year was already resolved and the candidates are happy with the food they are being served from their hotel host. The stage significantly improved although it would have been better if they made it “three dimensional” the way they do at Eurovision contest.

It’s as if the moon and the stars were aligned that a “Latina quartet” got the entire placement in the competition headed by Ecuador’s Katherine Espin who were proclaimed winner that night followed by Michelle Gomez of Colombia. It was a sweet revenge for Stephanie de Zorsi of Venezuela who was not able to compete in 2014 but got the third place this year. It was a back to back 4th runner up position for Brazil on the other hand.

One of the things I like about Miss Earth’s production this year was the fact that they are hiding the translator from the camera which makes them secure from bashing. The purpose of the translator is to translate the answers of the candidates and there is no need for them to be visible on the camera. However, it is apparent from the voice of the translator that they are also nervous. Miss Vietnam would have been able to break the Latina quartet could have been her answer was translated correctly.

Some of the pitfalls from this year’s presentation are the following:

(1)  If last year, it is the cameraman who fails to make contact with the candidate, it is the candidate who failed to make contact to the cameraman this year which is apparent during the Evening gown competition where some of the semi–finalist doesn’t know where to look as the camera rotate around them.  

(2)  The cameraman is unaware as to where the location of the semi–finalist being called. He is just waiting as to whoever candidate will step down and start to focus on her causing the embarrassment of Miss Indonesia.

(3)  There must be something wrong with the sound system because some of the semi– finalists were able to hear their countries being called while others don’t.

These pitfalls can easily be remedied through vigorous practice. The candidates have a lot of itinerary on their travels that the schedule might have been tight but that should not be an excuse for repeated rehearsals.

Imelda Schweighart of the Philippines becomes “uncontrolled” during the competition. First, there was the issue of asking Miss Austria as to whether Hitler was born in Austria. While there is nothing wrong about a mere question, it is irrelevant to the advocacy of the pageant. Second, the issue of eating the seeds of Rambutan fruit causing stomach discomfort for some of the candidates who ate it. Third, the issue of the gown made by Leo Almodal that was supposed to be intended for Imelda but was worn by Katherine Espin of Ecuador because the gown of the latter was not finished on time. And last, the deliberate bashing of Imelda towards Katherine about cosmetic surgery.

Again, as I have pointed out last year, there should be a “Code of Ethics” among candidates that they should be able to abide or otherwise they will not be allowed to continue on the competition.

Some of the opportunities for Miss Earth are:

(1)  Environmental issue has a wide scope. It can’t be disseminated in just one night. The advocacy is weakly connecting to the people. Miss Earth should be able to strengthen its brand through its advocacy. Because of its wide scope, each year there should be a concentration on a specific theme, it could be “endangered animals” for this year, “water contamination” the following year, “air pollutants” a year after and so forth.

(2)  The environmental issue should leave a mark to the audience. Why not a swimsuit competitions wearing the wings of “endangered species of bird” with slide show about it? How about an evening gown on an “envisioned perfect Earth” on background? Sometimes thinking outside the box will do the connection.

(3)   I can’t help but to notice that every time a new winner was being crowned, there is always that frowning “unhappy” candidate on the background. Are they stressed? Are they sour raping?

(4)  Miss Earth and Miss Universe were held on the same stage but Miss Universe was able to make the location ten times bigger as viewed on television.

Miss International

Through the years, Miss International sticks to its gala type of presentation which truly reflects the Japanese prim and proper persona.

The Philippines won its 6th Miss International in the person of Kylie Verzosa.

Most pageant fans thought that to win the Miss International, the candidate has to be facially beautiful, has good pasarela skills and a terrific background. Some countries has haven’t won the Miss International pageant yet. For India, it is the only missing crown for them to complete the Big 4 crowns and yet despite the fact that they are sending great candidates they still miss the crown.

As I watched through the different editions of the pageant, I came to realize that the organizers are not just looking for something superficial, it is more on “consistency” and to what aspect that consistency is, I just keep that to myself for now.

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